Wow Exe 4 3 4 Honorbuddy Bot Average ratng: 7,6/10 5469 reviews

Jul 21, 2016 - Flooded the AH bot to provide for my main (I also bot on my main account). Around TBC when Blizz did something with the wow.exe that HB didn't catch. 3 where on my main account the other 2 in a


Good Morning Everyone! I've done things like this is in the past to try and help / educate people as to why some bans occur. This also helps to define some of the more risky methods of 'botting'. **Note: This is my opinon, based around my own experiences within WoW while utilizing HonorBuddy. Any ideas, assumptions, and conclusions were reached completely on my own and without any raw statistical data.*** About Me: I'm a 33 year old database architect. I started playing wow in Alpha after playing every other Warcraft game since its inception.

I've had 5 accounts since I started playing. I started with WoWGlider back in Vanilla and honestly played by hand for about 18 months after WoWGlider was shut down until I found HonorBuddy. Now, I've been a good WoW player and a bad WoW player by using the bot. I'll try explain below: So what's good about HB and it's multitude of BotBases?

Well, to start with HB was cutting edge. It took what WoWGlider did, which was to provide a logical/customizable XYZ pathing system with radius targeting and fighting routines and make it so much more. You are able to select the type of botbase you want to utilize, such as Questing, Archeology, Gathering, etc.

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This made HB the most flexible and well recognized product for WoW botting on the market. Ontop of that, their 'TripWire' system has saved folks more than you'll ever know. So what's bad about HB and it's multitude of BotBases? Statistically speaking, everything comes down to data.

If you start at XYZ and move to XYZ, then execute a repeatable pattern, millions and millions of times over millions and millions of accounts, you'll start to see a data pattern. This is what kills you on questing and why the majority of people using the bots now have moved to Custom Combat Routines without any movement. Custom combat routines are much, much harder to identify and can be customized to the point of individuality. So in my experience, if you want to keep your accounts safe you have two options: 1. Nothing is 100% safe ever. Never bot on your main account is my rule. Never use character movement routines like Questing, ArcheologyBuddy, GatherBuddy, etc.

As these patterns are WELL mapped and can be sniffed out quickly by Blizzard. Instead, use non movement and non targeting bots such as LazyRaider.

Also, invest in a high quality combat routine. Tuanha has been my favorite and it just works. Disable all click-to-move, and turn down your tick rate from within the bot. There is no need to be within 30ms of casting every single time. Also, disable your interrupts and only interrupt by hand. The combat routine will do TOO good a job at this, so be sure and disable this function. Further Note: Never leave your bot unattended and disable continuous healing mode.

Nothing screams botter than someone who stands in the same place casting healing spells on themselves over and over for hours on end because you forgot to stop the bot or log out. NEVER leave your bot unattended. I've lost accounts - mainly to being stupid and not heeding my own advice. So please, be smart and understand that Blizzard uses 'Big-Data' to try and figure out who's doing what according to patterns.

Be safe and be smart people. Statistics: WoW1 Account - Botted - Questing from Jan 6th, 2016 to Jan 12th, 2016 - Banned - 30% supervised WoW2 Account - Botted - GatherBuddy from Jan 15th to Feb 3rd, 2016 - Banned. I disagree with some of these conclusions. First off, you completely ignore the BIGGEST issue with HB lately which are the 3 detection banwaves in the space of one year. Doesn't matter if you only used a CR for 10 min vs a target dummy, they got everyone. 2nd, the whole point of this bot is movement and questing and gathering etc.