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In / / tagged / / / / / / by The contest environment of the Balkan Olympiad in Informatics 2016 (BOI 2016) that will be hosted in Cyprus will have the following configuration. For the contestants: The operating system of the competition will be Ubuntu 16.04 LTS () Desktop edition x64 bit architecture. On the system we have two accounts: • contestant – this is the account the contestants will use. It is set to auto-login, to not have a password and be a normal account. • maintenance – this is the account the administrators will use. It is an administrative account. Crack intervideo windvd recorder platinum 5 players.

Using the administrative account: Before proceeding with any changes, we updated the whole system. Sudo apt-get -y update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade; Later, some applications that are not needed for the competition, were removed from the installation environment in an attempt to keep the installation less than 5.5GB. Sudo apt-get remove transmission-* thunderbird* shotwell* rhythmbox* gnome-mines gnome-sudoku simple-scan remmina* gnome-mahjongg cheese* aisleriot libreoffice-*; After that, we installed the additional software that is needed for the competition from the Ubuntu repositories. Sudo apt-get -y install build-essential codeblocks codeblocks-contrib ddd emacs geany gedit nano scite vim mc stl-manual valgrind fpc fp-docs lazarus terminator; Some cleanup on the disk was needed at this point which we did with the commands below.

#Please note that the following commands will remove applications and services, be sure to read what it is about to be removed. #You might want to keep some of the stuff that are being deleted. Sudo apt autoremove; sudo apt-get autoclean; sudo apt-get clean; Using the contestant’s account: Following, we created the desktop shortcuts of the applications that should be used by the contestants, making it easier for them to find.

For name in codeblocks ddd emacs firefox geany gedit gnome-calculator gnome-terminal lazarus mc python SciTE terminator vim; do cp /usr/share/applications/$name*.desktop ~/contestant/Desktop; done One last step that we had to take to finish the setup on what a contestant needs, we started Firefox and set the homepages to be alpha is the hostname of our grading environment. For maintainers: On the contestant’s machine: The machines have ssh servers enabled to allow administrating personnel to perform maintenance operations. #The following command installs and enables ssh server on an Ubuntu 16.04 desktop installation. Sudo apt-get install openssh-server; #We will create a read only copy of the original configuration. #Everybody should do this to make sure if they do not manage to configure properly their sshd to be able to restore the default configuration. Sudo cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.factory-defaults; sudo chmod a-w /etc/ssh/sshd_config.factory-defaults; On the administration machine: We created a new public/private rsa key pair using the command ssh-keygen, which we uploaded to the contestant’s machine using ssh-copy-id. We will use this key to connect to the contestant’s machine without using a password.

I have to make sftp connection to the remote server where I have to put and get files. Using 'put' and 'get'. But I am unable to login to sftp site on internet from my local server. Read from remote host examplehost.com: Connection reset by peer Connection to examplehost.com closed. I've been through all the checking of ssh/sshd config, etc., for things like ServerAliveInterval, ServerAliveCountMax, TCPKeepAlive, including esoteric suggestions like enable/disable GSSAPIAuthentication-related settings.

Exec restore vmlicense tftp license.lic This operation will overwrite the current VM license!Do you want to continue? If this happens, Admins must use a FTP/TFTP server to apply the license. CLI You can also upload the license file via the CLI using the following CLI command: execute restore vmlicense [ftp| tftp] [:ftp port] Example: The following is an example output when using a tftp server to install license. Fortigate vm trial license reset itunes.


On the contestant’s machine: Using a text editor (like gedit, nano, vi etc) we edited the /etc/ssh/sshd_config configuration file to reflect some security changes. • We changed the #PasswordAuthentication yes to PasswordAuthentication no to disable logins using password.