Seal Offline 2013541618 Average ratng: 5,9/10 3512 reviews

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sayang masi pakai bahasa dewa. Game name: Seal Offline Server type: Emulator Server database: MySQL [ServerFiles] [WebServer] (one that comes with server) [GameClient] Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: Part 6: Part 7: [ServerGuide] 1. Download server files 2.

Extraxt server files -= Pake MySQL Server 3. Amik tri guna darma belajar autocad download. Install MySQL Server dengan user root n password 123456 4. Bikin database test dan masukin query dari file database.sql -= Using mysql server that comes with SEAL Online server 3.

Seal Offline 2019 NPC Inggris / Indo Link Download. [Part 9] Tutorial Seal offline 2019 Windows 7/8/10. [Part 8] Tutorial Seal offline 2019 Windows 7/8/10.


Extraxt WebServer.exe 4. Jalanin apmxe.exe 5. Masuk ke folder server terus jalanin 1.exe terus 2.exe abis itu 3.exe n terakhir 4.exe 6. Tunggu sampe server mulai jalan server start’s (kira2 5 menitan kalo pake pentium 4) Note: Mysql harus punya user root dan password 123456 kalo ga harus hexedit beberapa exe file.

Soalnya login root n password 123456 di set di beberapa exe file. [GameClient Guide] 1.

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Extraxt klien 2. Ganti file ke directory client di file start.lnk dari properties. Then you must either hexedit SO3D.exe or I dono, this is very I decided to share files [ScreenShots] [Password]!@#$%^&*12qwaszx34erdfcv?!@#$%^&* ต็ะลทฮ๑ฦ๗!@#$%^&*12qwaszx34erdfcv?!@#$%^&* 电信服务器 Sumber.