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You know what’s? This week has been. Okay, first off–it’s so great to meet you, Aimee!

Even under these totally inauspicious circumstances. I swear I’ve come across your blog at some point while I was creating this blog, so this is quite swell. HUGE thanks for pointing this out for me. Catching plagiarists bums me out every time, whether it’s with my students or online, but I’m glad you took the time to contact me. I understand that not everyone would do the same, so thank you! I’m heading over to your blog right now, which looks gorgeous. Consider yourself up one follower 🙂 a kind deed shouldn’t go unrewarded, and it’d be a pleasure to read content from a fellow (humanitarian!) blogger.

Cheers, Aimee! Kind of late, but CONGRATULATIONS on passing your exams and your huge milestone, AHH!!!

It must have been such a relief and such a high. I love your blog, I knew I would like it the second I saw your blog name haha so clever! These cookies look fantastic and I may or may not be drooling looking at your pictures. I really want to try that PB&J chocolate also, we don’t have a Trader Joes here in Canada (not that I know of anyways) so I’m super jealous.

To configure the client throttling policy for Exchange 2010 SP3: • Access the Exchange Management Shell. • Run the following command to set the RCAMaxConcurrency value to zero, allowing unlimited concurrent connections for the Superuser account: new-throttlingpolicy -name NPUMAdminPolicy -RCAMaxConcurrency $null • Run the following command to apply the new client throttling policy to the Superuser account: set-mailbox -identity NPUMAdmin -throttlingpolicy NPUMAdminPolicy To confirm that the client throttling policy is set correctly: • Access the Exchange Management Shell. Exchange 2010 SP3 Note: In the following procedure, NPUMAdmin is the Superuser account name. Mapi cdo for exchange 2013 mailbox. Configuring the Client Throttling Policy You can configure a client throttling policy to give the Superuser enhanced access to the server resources.

The next time I’m down in the states I’ll have to keep an eye out for that flavour. Also I totally volunteer as tribute if you ever decide to expand your test-tasting group internationally!!!

These look amazing and I am currently baking them however after I put them in the fridge I had to almost roll them into balls bc they were crumbly. When baked they stayed in the ball shape. I flattened them while they reservation hot but they look nothing like your pic. I am feeling so sad. In your pictures it looks like you are scooping that thick yet fluffy mixture onto your cookie sheet.

What do u suppose I did wrong? I bake a lot so I feel like a mini failure! I am quite sure I will still eat way too many of them! First off, I’m sorry to hear these cookies did not turn out for you, Joanne! I have never personally had problems with crumbly dough, but there are one or two things I can think of. Did you use natural or homemade peanut better? The added oils from natural pb can turn baked goods more crumbly than if you use storebought brands like original Jif or Skippy.


Old, stiff, or dry pb could also makevthem crumbly. Another possibility could be extra flour–is there any chance you added more flour than the recipe called for? (I’m almost sure this isn’t the issue, but I have absentmindedly made this mistake too many times to count now!) Overmixing could create denser cookies, but perhaps not the stiff texture you mentioned. I hope you figure out what went amiss and let me know if you do! These cookies really are delicious and I would love for you to try them at their best. Best of luck! I haven’t melted butter for this recipe specifically, but I don’t see why not!