Debian Install Pkg Tar Xz File Average ratng: 7,8/10 3574 reviews

How to install tarball packages on a Debian based distribution? Ask Question 20. I would like to know how to and.tar.bz2 packages on Debian, please give me a complete explanation. These are just compressed package files) you would need to break open the tar file (tar xvfz/tar xvfj) and then cd to the directory and run. I just want to know how to install the package through the.debian.tar.xz file. For example, I executed apt source libpcl-dev and got a file named pcl_1.7.2-14build1.debian.tar.xz, then I executed tar xzvJ *.debian.tar.xz and got a directory named debian.

Quite frequently, a source package (for a given software) can generate several binary packages. The split is justified by the possibility to use (parts of) the software in different contexts. Consider a shared library, it may be installed to make an application work (for example, libc6), or it can be installed to develop a new program ( libc6-dev will then be the correct package).

We find the same logic for client/server services where we want to install the server part on one machine and the client part on others (this is the case, for example, of openssh-server and openssh-client). Since Debian Squeeze, Debian developers have the option to use new formats that correct many problems of the historical format. Format 3.0 (quilt) can combine multiple upstream archives in the same source package: in addition to the usual.orig.tar.gz, supplementary.orig- component.tar.gz archives can be included. This is useful with software that is distributed in several upstream components but for which a single source package is desired. These archives can also be compressed with bzip2 or xz rather than gzip, which saves disk space and network resources.

Finally, the monolithic patch,.diff.gz is replaced by a.debian.tar.gz archive containing the compiling instructions and a set of upstream patches contributed by the package maintainer. These last are recorded in a format compatible with quilt — a tool that facilitates the management of a series of patches. When a new version of a package (source package and one or more binary packages) arrives on the Debian server, the source package is the most important. Indeed, it will then be used by a network of machines of different architectures for compilation on the various architectures supported by Debian.

The fact that the developer also sends one or more binary packages for a given architecture (usually i386 or amd64) is relatively unimportant, since these could just as well have been automatically generated.

Question: I need to download and install a full kernel source tree to compile a custom kernel for my Debian or Ubuntu system. What is a proper way to download full kernel source on Debian or Ubuntu? Before installing full kernel source on your Linux system, ask yourself whether you really need the full kernel source.

If you are trying to compile a kernel module or a custom driver for your kernel, you do not need the full kernel source. You only need to install, and that's it. You need the full kernel source tree only if you want to build a custom kernel after modifying the kernel code in any way and/or tweaking default kernel options.

Debian Install Pkg Tar Xz File

Here is how to download and install full kernel source tree from Debian or Ubuntu repositories. While you can download the official kernel source code from, using distro's repositories allows you to download a kernel source with the maintainer's patches applied to it. Install Full Kernel Source on Debian Before downloading kernel source, install dpkg- dev, which contains a suite of development tools needed to build Debian source packages. Among other things, dpkg- dev contains dpgk- source tool which can extract a Debian source package and automatically apply patches.

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