DD Bashu For Polity Pdf Hindi Average ratng: 7,9/10 21 reviews

अगर आप भी अपनी रचनाएँ(In Hindi), कहानियाँ (Hindi Stories), प्रेरक लेख(Self -Development articles in Hindi ) या कवितायेँ लाखों लोगों तक पहुँचाना चाहते हैं तो हमसे nisheeth. भारतीय संविधान से सम्बन्धित अनुच्छेद 1 से अनुच्छेद 395 तक की सम्पूर्ण महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी Indian Constitution/Indian Polity Notes in Hindi PDF Download करें भारतीय संविधान pdf, भारतीय संविधान.

Even today when Indian Polity is quite useful for Pub Ad mains paper and many aspirants also refer Laxmikant for preparing Indian polity for the Prelims as well. What makes Indian Polity by Laxmikanth so popular?

The format and language of the book is highly readable. It reads more like a guide than a standard text book. Laxmikanth explains all aspects of India’s polity like fundamental rights, duties, panchayati raj, budget, state and central government, judiciary, constitutional bodies etc in a very easy to understand manner.

IAS aspirants with no background knowledge of Indian polity and constitution will grasp the concepts quickly as the book is intended for beginners as well as experienced candidates. Indian Polity consists of useful bullet points to get the concepts across concisely and clearly. The various polity topics covered by Laxmikant in his book on polity are divided into 11 parts that are listed below: • Constitutional framework • System of government • Central government • State government • Local government • Union territories and special areas • Constitutional bodies • Non-constitutional bodies • Other constitutional dimensions • Political dynamics • Working of the constitution As you can see the latest version of Indian Polity is comprehensive in scope covering every aspect of Prelims syllabus and also very useful for GS Mains paper. Perhaps the best aspect of this book is the reading style which is very lucid.

Topics are broken down into sub-topics and lists are used to highlight important points in a topic. This will surely aid learning.

DD Bashu For Polity Pdf Hindi

Another feature are the practice questions on polity included in the book so you can test your learning. Finally the book is updated and contains all the amendments up to the latest amendment. If you are undecided between reading DD Basu or Laxmikanth, I will most certainly recommend this book over DD Basu’s. No wonder Indian Polity by Laxmikanth is highly popular book among IAS aspirants for Prelims as well as Pub Ad mains paper.

Vinay - August 25, 2012 hello sir, i am an IAS aspirant and my background is science ( pharmacy related). There are no optionals related to pharmacy. Yes, there are optional like zoology i am interested in zoology but the problem is there is no relevant materials provided for the syllabus. So i am in a big confusion.

Anthro is a bit related to zoology. I have knowledge in HISTORY so can i opt for that optional. Is HISTORY a scoring subject? And what about SOCIOLOGY? Please sir clear my confusion i will b ever grateful. Vinay - August 25, 2012 hello sir, i am an IAS aspirant and my background is science ( pharmacy related). There are no optionals related to pharmacy.

Yes, there are optional like zoology i am interested in zoology but the problem is there is no relevant materials provided for the syllabus. So i am in a big confusion. Anthro is a bit related to zoology. I have knowledge in HISTORY so can i opt for that optional. Is HISTORY a scoring subject?

And what about SOCIOLOGY? Please sir clear my confusion i will b ever grateful. Pratima - October 21, 2014 Hi i am going to appear csat2015. Contoh stok barang. I already have the books of ‘india and world geography by m husain’ and ‘governance in india by m laxmikant’ on whose cover page it is written FOR CIVIL SERVICES PRELIMINARY EXAM.so do i have to buy those same authors books for main exam again on whose cover page it is written for FOR PRELIMINARY AND MAIN EXAM? Also i have the books of ‘indian polity by laxmiant 3rd edition’ and ‘indian economy by ramesh singh 4th edition’.do i have to buy their recent editions again?

Indian Constitution PDF: आपके लिए बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण भारतीय संविधान के कुल अनुच्छेद और उनका सम्पूर्ण विवरण की PDF File लेकर आए है, बहुत सी एकदिवसीय परीक्षा मे संविधान से सम्बन्धित 2 या 4 प्रश्न जरुर पूछे जाते है, और अच्छे समय मे प्रश्न पूर्ण रुप से याद न रहने की वजह से कुछ अंक कम प्राप्त कर पाते है और Merit List से नीचे जाने का खतरा रहता है, तो आज संविधान से सम्बन्धित अनुच्छेद 1 से अनुच्छेद 395 तक की सम्पूर्ण महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी आप नीचे दिए गए Download Botton पर Click करके सरतम रुप से Download करके कही भी पढ सकते है।. • 1st संविधान संशोधन (1951) – इसके द्वारा भारतीय संविधान मे 9वी अनुसूची को जोडा गया है. • 7वाॅ संविधान संशोधन (1956) – इसके द्वारा राज्यों का पुनर्गठन करके 14 राज्य और 6 केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों को पुनर्गठित किया गया है. • 10वाॅ संविधान संशोधन (1961) – इसके द्वारा पुर्तगालियों की अधीनता से मुक्त हुए दादरा और नागर हवेली को भारतीय संघ में शामिल किया गया. • 12वाँ संविधान संशोधन (1962) – इसके द्वारा गोवा, दमण और दीव का भारतीय संघ में विलय किया गया. • 14वाॅ संविधान संशोधन (1962) – इसके द्वारा पाण्डेचेरी को केंद्र शासित प्रदेशके रूप में भारत में विलय किया गया. • 18वाॅ संविधान संशोधन (1966) – इसके द्वारा पंजाब राज्य का पुर्नगठन करके पंजाब, हरियाणा राज्य और चण्डीगढ को केन्द्रशासित प्रदेश बनाया गया.