It found and tagged loads of FS9 traffic files but refused to convert them to FSX giving the message that it could not decompile. The difference is that the aircraft models and paints are FSX native ones whenever available. You cannot use FS9 and FSX traffic files at the same time. But as I mentioned: as long as you use WoAI only they. Convert Fs9 Traffic Files To Fsx Planes Free. 1/11/2018 0 Comments. From FS2004/FS9 into FSX. AI traffic files in TTools (Traffic Tools by Lee Swordy) format made for FS2004/FS9 (Flight Simulator 2004) - Aircraft.txt, Airports.txt, Flightplans.txt - if compiled with.
Little Navmap is a free open source flight planner, navigation tool, moving map, airport search and airport information system for Flight Simulator X, Prepar3D, and X-Plane. A map display using the OpenStreetMap as a background map which is only one option of many online and included offline maps. The map shows airports, navaids, airways, airspaces, AI or multiplayer aircraft and ships.
A seamlessly integrated airport diagram displays taxiways, displaced thresholds, overrun areas, aprons. File size: 132.21 MB Download hits: 1450. This download provides all of the AI aircraft and flight plan packages to be used with the World of AI installer ( These package are compatible with both FSX and FS2004. This is the file that brings your flight simulation experience to life with AI traffic based on the real world.
This is a complete package containing all of the current World of AI traffic packages. All of the AI packages (over 400) have been included in this easy to download single. File size: 2.2 GB Download hits: 14366. This little tool helps you keep a list of your favorite airports with the option to export this list to Google Earth. Easily choose an airport for today's flight and access additional airport data through Sam High's FSXDB. By Tobias Wagner. Screenshot of FS Add-on Tracker Utility.
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Requirements: Microsoft.Net Framework 2.0 or higher (usually installed on current systems). Strongly recommended: an installation of Google Earth. Installation: Just unzip the. File size: 420.58 KB Download hits: 2187. FSTramp is an integrated plug-in for FSX, with a navigation map, a world-wide search and find function for airports and navaids, a what's up? Display for multiplayer / AI aircraft, and an autopilot front-end for easy operation.
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New: extensive inland waterways, cities, roads, railway tracks, online upgrade notice and dragging the map with the left mouse button depressed. By Team FSTramp.
Screenshot of FSTramp for FSX. System Requirements: Windows Vista or subsequent. File size: 306.76 MB Download hits: 4688.